Monday, March 31, 2008

The second beta results are in!

I went from 126 on Thursday to 271 Saturday! The numbers just more than doubled. Dr. H said my numbers looked really good so there was no need for any repeat draws. I got to schedule my first ultrasound today, too.

We'll get to learn if we have one or two and hopefully hear the heartbeat on April 14th. These next two weeks can't come fast enough! While I know we have a long way to go before we're out of the woods, I'll feel so much calmer if I can just hear the heartbeat!

After I received the news this morning I just wanted to cry. A part of me wished the second number was a little higher but really it's a great number. I think I just have this overwhelming sense of everything sinking in. We tried for so long and went through so much pain, emotionally; I just find it difficult to grasp the concept of complete happiness when, at times, I expect the other shoe to drop.

Everyone says motherhood only makes you worry more. I'm just over 4 weeks pregnant and I'm already worried sick! This poor kid is doomed to have one of those over-protective parents, huh?

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