Monday, March 17, 2008 told by my niece

I was chatting via the webcam and Skype with my sister and her family today.

Apparently our insemination was the topic of conversation at their dinner table recently. Dinner that night consisted of burgers and fries from Wendy's. The account was retold by my 11 year-old niece on Monday. The conversation went something like this.....

So the hamburger is the egg and the fries are the sperm. The egg (hamburger) is released and the sperm have to try to find the egg (fries wiggling around). Some sperm get lost along the way and then there's one good sperm (a fry) that finds the egg (hamburger) and burrows in (Picture the fry being stuck inside the hamburger at this point.). Eventually a baby is made.

My niece then goes on to retell how she took a fry and said "Look! I'm a lost sperm!" and eats the french fry. Oh....if only she knew!

I have to say, I'll never be able to look at burgers and fries the same way again!

1 comment:

close2it said...

Just curious about how you were feeling. Are your boobs sore or anything? LOL--just kidding!

I just put a link to my blog in my siggie. Yikes! It makes me I'm coming out or something :)

Happy Easter tomorrow! Enjoy your time with your family.