Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

"How are you feeling?" "Are you feeling pregnant yet?" "Do your boobs hurt?" "I'm sending good thoughts!"

Those are just a few of the questions and statements I've had since the insemination last Friday.

I'm feeling good. I have been for several days. I've been rather tired lately but that can be attributed to the fact I've been staying up later than usual and not getting the sleep I need. Y's had to be up at 6:30am a few times lately for meetings and deadlines with the East Coast. While I go back to sleep when he gets up it's still not a completely sound sleep.

I am not feeling pregnant yet but not having BEEN pregnant before I have no idea what clues to look for. Everyone is different so it's hard to say if my symptoms are true pregnancy symptoms or if I think I'm feeling things because I want to be pregnant. Besides, I'm currently only 5 days past insemination. According to my temperatures and charting, it appears I ovulated sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning. Perfect timing for the insemination!

And stop asking if my boobs hurt! Sheesh...nosy people! :) No, my boobs don't hurt...yet.

I do appreciate every prayer, crossed body part, positive thought/vibe and everyone that has kept us in their thoughts during this time. We're not pregnant yet so keep praying, crossing, and sending those good thoughts!

Infertility is one of the hardest things a person and a marriage can go through. It may sound completely cliche but we have grown closer. We know our limits and have learned how much we can truly handle before losing our mind.

I'll keep everyone updated as my testing date approaches!

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