Today brought my 26-week OB appointment and the final NST test i
n the trauma protocol. All went well at both appointments. The OB was first where I had the standard pee in a cup, check my weight, blood pressure, wait, wait, comes my OB "Any problems?" Other than the fall and a few contractions, no. She measured my fundal height today and I'm right on target for 26 weeks. Baby's heart rate was normal and I'm up a grand total of 9lbs this pregnancy.We discussed what needs to happen between now and my appointment in 2 weeks. I'll go sometime next week (at my convenience) for the 1-hour Gestational Diabetes test. Due to the PCOS, I am at greater risk for GD but since I have remained on Metformin throughout the pregnancy and gained very little weight, we're hoping the levels will be normal. I really don't want to have to deal with insulin shots, too. I'll also have blood work done to check for anemia and the standard CBC counts. Since we know I'm Rh-, I'll also have another antibodies check and then be given a Rhogham shot at my next appointment on September 12th.
The final NST was pretty uneventful. I was given a very quick sonogram to check the amniotic fluid levels around the baby. Fluid levels were normal. Baby Gir
l looks great from the quick scan that we got. She's still head down with her bottom between my upper left and middle and her legs are on my right. I've been fully aware of the location of her legs as she likes to kick often! I did have one brief contraction while attached to the monitor today. A perinatologist was on duty so she checked everything before they released me since it was my last visit. According to her everything was well in the normal range so we're good to go! I am done with the NSTs, for now at least. As long as no other complications occur or nothing comes up at future appointments, I shouldn't need to return for an NST unless my OB would like to do one right before delivery time.
1 comment:
So glad to hear everything is doing well!!! Keep up the good work!! ;)
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