As I posted on Thursday, I was notified I'd have to go through multiple NSTs (non-stress tests) to complete the abdominal trauma protocol to make sure things really were okay with the Little Miss.
The hospital phoned Thursday evening to schedule the testing. Since I was less than 26 weeks, I needed to go in immediately to begin testing. The first of 7 tests began Friday morning. Since I am less than 26 weeks, the testing had to take place in Triage.
I was asked to provide a urine sample and they took my blood pressure as well as temperature. For an hour I had two monitors strapped to my belly. One monitor was basically a doppler used to monitor Baby Girl's heart rate and the second monitor was used to check for contractions. I had a clicker to press each time I felt the Little Miss move. She was VERY active Friday morning. While attached to the monitors, I had two contractions within the hour. The nurse was concerned I may have been going into pre-term labor but after checking my urine and consulting with the Dr. on call it was determined I was severly much so I was off their hydration scale. SO not good. Apparently between vacation, being stuck in airports for two days, and the mess when we returned home, I wasn't drinking enough. Needless to say, that's been corrected.
I returned for round two of NSTs today. I was very well hydrated and had no contractions while attached to the monitors. I return Sunday for round three then have a short break before returning Tuesday and Friday for tests 4 and 5. I'll have my last two NSTs the 26th and 29th. I have my 26-week OB appointment on the 29th so the hospital was kind enough to schedule my last NST right after my appointment.
As long as I continue being complication-free (no cramping or bleeding) and don't have any more contractions, all should be okay. If I continue contracting, they'll need to do a cervix check to be sure I'm not dialating and trying to go into pre-term labor. All a very scary reality, especially with the Little Miss so small. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers until we're given the all-clear at the end of testing.
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