The network of nerves in the Little Miss' ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. She may now be able to hear both my and Y's voice as we chat with each other. She's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of her lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when she's born and takes that first gulp of air. And she's continuing to put on baby fat. The Little Miss now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches from head to heel. About the size of an English hothouse cucumber.

The Little Miss is also beginning to open her eyelids this week and her lungs are beginning to secrete surfactant, a fatty substance that covers the inner lining of the air sacs and allows the lungs to expand normally so breathing can occur. Although it will be approximately 10 more weeks before the lungs are fully operational, the production of surfactant is an essential step in making her viable outside the womb.
In other developments, the NST tests have continued. I did discover that I haven't been getting the full smattering of tests because "official" NSTs can't be given until I'm 26 weeks. Otherwise known as bureaucratic red won't pay for an "official" NST until I'm a full 26 weeks. So while I've been receiving fetal monitoring (checking her heart rate, movement and contractions) I haven't been receiving a sonogram. The sonogram is used to check the amount of amniotic fluid around the Little Miss. Too much or too little could indicate a problem. Friday I will be recieving the sonogram. If all turns out to be okay, Friday should be the last of the NSTs and my frequent trips to the hospital. I've continued to have a few contractions but they have definitely slowed from last week. Last Tuesday was the last time I had numerous contractions not only during the day but within an hour. I've never had enough (in one hour's time) to be of concern but definitely more than I should have been having.
Belly pics to come later in the week along with some possible nursery updates. Nursery progress is at a stand-still until we decide on a paint color and my Mom arrives to make the bedding. Look for many updates toward the end of September and early October.
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