Wednesday, August 13, 2008

23 Weeks (a week late!)

We were off to the east coast visiting family and friends so the 23 week post was neglected.
Here's what was happening to the Little Miss during week 23:

The Little Miss is now more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound. She's about the size of a large mango.

Baby Girl's sense of movement is well developed now and she can feel me dance or sway. We may now be able to see her squirm underneath my clothes (yep!). Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds her keen ears are picking up are preparing her for entry into the world. Loud noises that become familiar now - such as the dogs barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner - probably won't faze her when she hears them outside of the womb.

The Little Miss is a very active little girl in the womb, some days more than others. She finally cooperated long enough for Y to feel her movements and is becoming quite adept at kicking me in the bladder. Thanks, little one!

In other news, I had a tumble while we were away. The weather in the northeast had been very odd during our visit with torrential downpours almost daily. The Friday before we were supposed to come home, we were stuck in one of those downpours without jackets or umbrellas. The friends we were staying with weren't home at the time so we had to make a dash for the back of their house where we could get some shelter. In the process of making a run for it, gravity won and I fell right on their wet driveway. Yep, landed right on my stomach. I somehow managed to realize I needed to avoid impact with my belly as I was going down and must have turned a bit because I landed mostly on the right side of my body. I didn't care about the fact that I was soaked, scraped, bleeding and bruised I just wanted to be sure the baby was okay. Our friends took me to the local ER where they checked me out first then sent someone from the maternity floor down to check on the baby. Of course, up to this point I hadn't felt her move so I was really getting worried, as they were taking my vitals she gave me a strong kick. Her heart rate was strong at 140bpm and since I had no cramping or bleeding at the time all was deemed okay and I was sent on my way. I need to follow up with my OB but she seems to be doing great and has been moving a ton since then.

Here are the obligatory 23 week belly pics taken the day after the fall at 23 weeks, 3 days.

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