Sunday, October 26, 2008


One would think, with 5 weeks to go, I'd be obsessing about my upcoming labor and delivery. No, not me. Labor and delivery are on my mind, sure, but it's not what I'm obsessing over.

My obsessions?
- figuring out the logistics of traveling with the Little Miss next March. Yes, I said March...5 months away!
- determining all December birthday and Christmas purchases for our family
- finding the perfect stocking for the Little Miss
- finding a Baby's 1st Christmas ornament
- designing the perfect birth announcement

And the biggest obsession of all....
- Money. Will we have enough? Can Y stay on top of the bills since that's usually my task? Will I be able to concentrate working at home with the Little Miss....enough that I can have the income I had pre-Little Miss?

Moms or moms-to-be, what are your obsessions?

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Hi Jen!

I'm currently obsessed with the nursery and have been for about 2 months. I'm obsessed with the health of my baby. I'm obsessed with when she'll show up, even though I know that is completely out of my control. And I'm obsessed with reading other women's birth stories and/or pregnancy symptoms.

I've scheduled automatic payment for all of our bills so at least that is off my plate! (I take care of the finances, too.) I wonder every day if this weight will come off quickly and whether or not I'll get stretch marks. Sheesh! The mind of a pregnant woman!