This time last year I was struggling with the fact it had been just over a year since we had started trying for a baby. I was in the midst of a Clomid cycle...ahh, the Clomid Crazies! It was our third cycle on Clomid. We had returned from a vacation to Disney World in September where I was surrounded by happy families and questioned why WE didn't have children on the day I found out yet another cycle had failed. I'd reached the point I knew we needed outside intervention beyond my OB.
While mine is currently a success story, I still find myself becoming upset with couples who abuse the infertility clinics. Those who, after three months of trying, run to be tested only to find they are a perfectly healthy couple. That was time a Dr. spent that could have been spent with a couple who truly needed his or her services. I still hurt for friends and aquantances that are infertile and are still struggling to conceive. It still stings when I hear someone announce a "whoops" pregnancy or hear "It was our first month trying!". Are these couples any less deserving than those of us who have dealt with infertility? Absolutely not. But it doesn't make our struggles any easier to bear.
If you are currently struggling with infertility, know someone who is, or just want to know more about infertility check out this link to learn more: RESOLVE
Great post Jen!! I can completely and totally relate and I remember when we were going through the Clomid crazies together! This time last year, I was crying at the drop of a hat and feeling hopeless about ever having a child. Does that make me appreciate this one all the more? You bit it does! Cheers to our miracle little girls!
Congrats on your pregnancy! I completly understand your heart felt feelings in this post. It took clomid and and IUI to concieve our baby girl. I am currently 20 weeks. It took us two years and three months to concieve our little miracle.
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