40 days to go!!!!!
Here's what's happening with the Little Miss this week:
She now weighs near 5 pounds, or about the size of your average cantaloupe. She is also about 18 inches long. Her fat layers, which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born, are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. Any nerves concern
Things are still fairly uneventful. I've had a couple of strong contractions when I've been out running errands and haven't had enough water. I've also had more issues breathing. There was one night this week it woke me from sleep. It took me 2 or 3 hours before I felt like I could catch my breath and go back to sleep. I'd tried sitting up, lying on my side and just about every position imaginable. Nothing seemed to help that night. I had the same issue again last night as I was initially trying to fall asleep but it only lasted a few minutes and I was able to get comfortable enough to sleep.
Work is keeping me busy as I try to wind up my projects before taking my leave in just a few WEEKS! I just simply cannot fathom that our daughter's arrival is mere weeks away. It seems like time has absolutely flown since the second trimester. I have our contact list and calling tree all set for the Little Miss' arrival and I'm beginning to think about what I need to take with us to the hospital to start prepping the hospital bag. The car seat will be installed soon and we'll be double-checking our list of necessities for our daughter's arrival.
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