I went for my Glucose Tolerance Test today. I was given about 8-10 ounces of pure (flavored) sugar water, otherwise known as Glucola. I had 5 minutes to consume the bottle of Glucola. I had to laugh when I was given the choice between Orange or Fruit Punch flavors. When I asked which was better, the technician laughed and said "They're both horrible." I opted for orange. For those of you never having had the joy of experiencing Glucola, go find yourself the nearest McDonalds, ask for an orange soda then add about a cup of sugar to it. That's what orange-flavored Glucola tastes like. I couldn't move around for the hour-long test, nor was I allowed more than a few sips of water. Movement, lots of water, and of course food would scew the results. So I sat. For an hour. I tried reading but the lab was so busy I couldn't focus for more than a few minutes at a time. The Little Miss didn't get too active until the last few minutes of the hour. I had severe heartburn shortly after consuming the bottle of Glucola but felt otherwise okay......until I hit the 2 hour post-Glucola- consumpti

When I was done with the testing and blood draws, Y and I stopped to see his 96 year-old grandmother in her nursing home. Her short-term memory isn't real great these days but she never fails to forget that I'm pregnant and due the day before her birthday. We hadn't been for a visit in quite a few weeks so I was expecting a comment on the belly. Last time her comment was "That's not a baby belly. It's all fat!" This time I was rewarded with "You're not very big at all!" At least I wasn't told it was all fat. Ha!
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