Nothing much new to report this week. I have an appointment on Friday where I will hopefully find out the results of my Glucose Tolerance Test. I'm praying I passed as I really don't want to endure the 3-hour knowing how sick the 1-hour test made me! I'll also receive my Rh immunoglobulin injection since I'm Rh-.
The Little Miss is moving like crazy. Her favorite times to be active are when I'm trying to settle into bed for the night and anytime between 4am and 8am. Now that I'm in the third trimester my Little Miss To-Do list is seeming even more important as the days and weeks remaining keep dwindling quickly. We picked out the paint for the nursery and will begin painting this weekend. We chose a golden yellow color called Roasted Sesame Seed. My Mom arrives next week to begin sewing the bedding and helping us get the finishing touches together on the room since I'm limited to the things I can do now.
In other developments, the Little Miss weighs about 2 1/4 pounds, about the size

of a Chinese cabbage. She measures nearly 15 inches from the top of her head to the heel of her foot. She can blink her eyes which now also sport eyelashes. The hair on her head is also growing and becoming more visible. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. Previous to this week her brain was smooth. With more neurons developing, her brain is forming more grooves and indentations along its surface.
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