Last week was one whirlwind of finishing up the nursery. I still need to get the final updated pictures now that the bedding is done. In the past week and a half we've:
- completed painting
- arranged the furniture
- laundered all baby items
- organized the closet and dresser
- bought a bookcase and put the books on it
- painted the nightstand
- sewn the bedding & put it on the crib
- sewn and put up curtains

Still to be completed:
- decide on wall decor and put up
- create a mobile
- buy whatever supplies are still needed
- buy storage boxes or canvas crates for bookcase
I have to give Y and my Mom credit. Y's worked hard on the painting, putting together furniture, and moving all those heavy items I can't lift. My Mom has done an amazing job on the bedding and has been a big help in just helping me get things organized and completed. Thanks, Mom & Y!!!
Last, and certainly not least, my 30 week belly pictures. This was after 6 hours spent in a birthing class. I was tired and a wee bit uncomfortable so ignore any odd looks on my face!