Saturday morning at 1:40am my water broke. At home. In my sleep. I had been having a few contractions that day but nothing real regular. After gathering the needed supplies and packed bags, we headed to the hospital. We arrived around 2:50am. I hadn't really had too many contractions (or so I thought) between home and the hospital. Triage confirmed my membranes did indeed rupture, checked my cervix and monitored contractions until labor & delivery was ready for me. At 3am, I was a tight 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Around 4am, I was wheeled to L&D where they hooked me up to the monitors and got all the paperwork and questions out of the way. By 5am I was started on Pitocin. Due to my membranes rupturing, we had to move labor along so as not to risk infection. At 7am I asked for an epidural. About 30 minutes prior, I began having severe back labor. If it hadn't been for the back labor, I would have been able to hold off a bit longer. I was checked at 7 and was still 3cm and 80% effaced. The epidural kicked in around 7:30 or so. Pure bliss. About 15 minutes later, my left arm felt extremely cold, was freezing to the touch and felt weak and heavy. The nurse called my anesthesiologist and he told them to turn down my dosage. This seemed to help but the weakness in my arm continued. By 9am, I was checked again. I was at 5cm. I began getting some feeling back in my legs at this point. Around 10am, I was checked again. 10cm!!!!! Sometime between 9 and 10am, Sophie began having some problems with the contractions. She was still okay but I was asked to lie on my left side and given oxygen.
Shortly after 10am, I was asked to do a few practice pushes. The L&D nurse helped me hold one foot while Y held the other. By 10:20 or so, I was ready to start pushing for real. The epidural had mostly worn off at this point and I could feel most everything. (OUCH!!!) Each push went well and at 10:59am on Saturday, 11/22, Sophie Grace was born. Y cut the cord and not long after, the placenta was delivered. The post-delivery was VERY painful. I tore in two or three places - one 1st degree tear and two second degree tears. Because the epidural had worn off, I could feel the stitching. They eventually gave me a local but it still hurt like heck.

Sophie was 5lbs 10oz and 18.5 inches long. Her head measured 32.5cm and chest was 29cm. She has a head full of black hair and, currently, has dark blue eyes. Sophie quickly breastfed and did well the first two days. Now that we're home, however, things aren't going quite so well.
Sorry to hear about the laboring :( and the stitching!!
I am sure your are getting advice up the whooha about everything right now.. just take a few deep breaths and everything will be just fine ;)
little Miss will get the hang of feeding in no time-- just remember she nor you have ever done this before-- there is a learning curve!
Welcome to the world lil Sophie! (dig the name!!)
she is so beautiful Jen!! Congratulations!!
Lisa (lisat)
Congratulations, Jen and Y! Sophie is beautiful!!!
She is such a cutie! Congratulations!
Dearest Jen,
Thank you so much for your birth story. You know I, of most people, appreciate it!! I couldn't help but shed a tear after reading about Sophie's birth and remembering all of our trials and tribulations. Your little miracle child is absolutely gorgeous!! Enjoy every precious moment right now. You have earned it, my friend!!
Congratulations, Jen! Sophie is beautiful!
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!
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