Sophie is 1 week old!

This week has brought lots of adjustments for life with a newborn. Y and I are learning to live on little sleep. My life is measured in two-hour increments with breastfeeding. Speaking of

We have hit a bit of a bump in the road. Sophie had a pediatrician appointment on Wednesday where we learned she had lost 6 ounces since birth, down to 5lbs 4oz. Since she was so small at birth, we now have to go in for weekly weight checks to be sure she's gaining as she should be. If she's not, we'll need to start looking at supplementing the breast milk. Other than the weight issue, she's healthy and doing quite well.
Things we've learned and milestones Sophie's made in the past week:

-Sophie has mastered projectile poop
-She does not like having clothing pulled over her head
-It can be 2am, you're awake, feeding, and exhausted but when you see that smile it's all worth it (even if the smile is due to gas)
-She grew a half inch in length to 19 inches and a half centimeter in head circumference to 33cm
-She loves anything that vibrates
-Belly aches result in lots of leg pumping and very loud crying
-Just like her Momma, she loves having her head and feet rubbed
I don't think it's possible to be more in love with someone as I am with her.