The latest update from the Infertile Myrtle...
First, I've taken a few belly pictures. I took one the week I got my positive pregnancy test, again at 8 weeks, and this past Friday at 10 weeks, 2 days. I was shocked to see I have a small bump! I really didn't think I had one until I compared my 4 week picture with 10 weeks. See for yourself:
4 weeks, 2 days(top) versus 10 weeks, 2 days (bottom)
In celebration of hitting the 10 week mark, my body decided to revolt. Thursday morning I woke to heavy bleeding... again. I called my OB's office where they wanted to see me immediately. I canceled my previous morning plans and headed to the OB's office. I saw the Nurse Practitioner again. She asked what had happened and told us she wanted to check on the baby. She said she was going to check for the heartbeat via the Doppler machine. We were at the first possible day to be able to hear the heartbeat externally so we were warned we may not hear anything. If that was the case, they would do an ultrasound to check on the baby. As scared as I would have been, I kind of wanted to see the baby so I was slightly hoping we wouldn't hear anything with the Doppler. I know, I'm a greedy Mom already! Anyway, it took a few minutes but we finally landed on the baby's heartbeat. That heartbeat was the best sound EVER.
So, the baby's okay but I'm back to doing nothing. I'm on pelvic and a modified bed rest for the next three weeks. I don't have to stay in bed but I do have to stay off my feet and have very minimal activity. To say I'm going stir crazy is an understatement!
In honor of Mother's Day I received 18 beautiful, red roses. My baby's gifted if it can order flowers so early! Ha!
I have my first appointment with my OB this Tuesday. I'm not sure what will be taking place at this appointment since I will also be following up from Thursday's appointment with the bleeding. I'd love to have another ultrasound but I suppose I can be patient until the 20th when we have our NT scan.
1 comment:
If any mom deserves a great Mother's Day it's you! Enjoy the time off of your feet! : )
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