I began to feel better, nausea-wise, on Friday. Y and I were able to enjoy a meal together while running a few errands Friday evening. The spotting was beginning to clear up so I felt a bit of time on my feet would be okay. While out, I stopped for a potty break (hey, what pregnant woman doesn't have to pee every time you turn around???). The short time on my feet started some spotting. Instead of continuing our errands we decided to head home.
Saturday, the nausea had returned but wasn't too bad. I only needed one pill to make it through the day. Y and I were back to scrounging for meals and not eating together. I spent most of the day with my feet up which seemed to be working as I didn't have much spotting on Saturday.
One of the few aspects of pregnancy that isn't discussed often is constipation. Yes, I'm going there. Just being pregnant slows down your digestion, add to that anti-nausea pills that can also affect bowel movements and you have one uncomfortable pregnant woman. After some precautionary measures to move things along, so to speak, I was feeling slightly better.
I was still feeling okay until about 1am Sunday morning. Y had woken and was sick. I went to check on him meanwhile my stomach was revolting. I thought I'd take some Maalox to see if that would help, but no such luck. For the first time this pregnancy, I was throwing up.
When I woke this morning I was bleeding again. Dark red and fairly heavy. I'm so frustrated. I did absolutely nothing on Saturday (aside from the wee hour incident). We tried for so long and went through so much to become pregnant and it seems I just can't catch a break during this pregnancy. I know I should be thankful, and heaven knows I am, it's just the frustration is mounting. Aside from Friday, I haven't had a nice meal together with my husband, I haven't been able to be worry-free for months, I can't lead a normal life running errands or doing housework, and it's all getting to me. I just need a break....