Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yes, the virus rages.

Nine days and counting for me. I was at Urgent Care Sunday for a horrible, horrible cough and difficulty breathing. I was worried this was turning into bronchitis or, even worse, pneumonia. As of Sunday this is a bad upper respiratory infection. I was sent home with antibiotics and an inhaler. I thought I was improving until Tuesday hit. I started running a fever and the evil cough is back.

Y's been dealing with his version of the evil virus since last Thursday. The day before a four-day weekend for him. Four-day weekends RARELY happen in his job. One of his managers was very generous giving the team an extra day off last Friday. Guess how we spent our long, four-day weekend? Yep, in bed. Sick.

The Little Miss? She's great. Still a bit congested but running at full speed, meanwhile, Mom and Dad's tanks are running on empty.

I announced tonight that I was DONE. OVER IT. I've had ENOUGH.

We'll see if the powers that be agree with my proclamation.

In the meantime, enjoy a picture of our little beach bunny from our recent trip to Florida to celebrate a 90th birthday (Y's grandmother) which I will blog about once we're recovered.


Suet Keit said...

heyyo , greetings from malaysia! :D get well soon yeah! :) nice blog you have here. take care , God bless .

Michelle said...

I just stumbled upon your site and have enjoyed reading it - you have a great way of writing!

However, I take offense at you using the word 'infertile' when you've carried a baby to term. Yes, you've had infertility issues and I know how hard it has been (well, at least, I know how hard it has been for me. I can only assume from reading your blog it's been hard for you too). But.. you have a child. I don't see where you can lay claim to 'infertile' any longer.

Anyway, just my two cents.

Nicole @ Splitcybernality said...

Hope you feel better.

Jen said...

@ Kennedy Ink:
I appreciate your two cents and I understand where you're coming from but that said, I AM infertile. Still. I will never be able to "naturally" contribute to conception of any child without medical intervention. Yes, I have carried a child to term but I will not be able to do so again unless I have medical help.