Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our Little Chef

So now that the Little Miss is down to one nap a day and it's hotter than blue blazes in the desert, we're trying to find activities to keep the Little Miss occupied until nap time. She has always been interested in what we do in the kitchen and most recently wanting to help feed the dogs. I decided last week would be a good time to start baking.

I used to bake about once a week but when Sophie came along time between baking sessions has dwindled since my time is devoted to either keeping watch over her or working I just don't get to bake. I miss baking, though I can't say my body misses the baked goods. Ask Y and he'll tell you he's missed my baking. A lot.

Anyway, we started our baking adventure with some simple peanut butter cookies. I missed getting pictures of the Little Miss pouring the ingredients into the mixer but she LOVED making the criss-cross patterns and "squishing" (ish-ish as she would say) them with a fork. Of course she'd get overly excited and start STABBING the cookies.

 "Mama! There's sugar on my hand!"

Next up: Homemade Ice Cream and Chocolate Chip cookies! Yum!

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