Monday, May 24, 2010

We're sick

No, not in the head! Although some days some might say that's questionable.

The Little Miss is one miserable baby. Beginning Saturday about 7pm she began vomiting. Thankfully, she was in the kitchen on the tile floor when it started but jeez, she was prolific. Fever hit about 10pm. Vomiting continued off and on through the night. We couldn't give her any Tylenol or Motrin for the fever as it only came back up. I had zero sleep Saturday night. Sunday was spent with her in our arms fighting the fever, trying to keep her hydrated. Today, no real fever but she's still feeling really crummy. Very tired. And of course I now feel like I'm getting a cold or something.

She was to have her 18-month well-visit Tuesday. When I called the pediatrician's office to reschedule, they convinced me to keep the appointment since well-visits were so booked and not being scheduled until the end of June. If The Little Miss is still not well I guess we'll cover it at her well-visit, if she makes a turn-around today then I guess she'll be miserable from vaccinations!

Fun times in our household!


sonika said...

very cute

Nicole @ Splitcybernality said...

I'm loving the flip flops. It's so funny seeing my daughter try to walk in hers.