Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Or as the Little Miss would say "Affffs!"

We took a trip to the zoos several weeks ago to feed the giraffes. While The Little Miss was a bit unsure of actually giving them food, she could not get enough of the "Affffs!". We tried to visit the zebras and elephants and rhinos and polar bears and lions but all she wanted was the "Affffs!"

While she comes by her affinity for loving giraffes naturally (they are MY favorite animal and her room is decorated in safari animals - mainly giraffes) I never really thought she'd like them as much as she does. After we returned from the zoo she wanted to sleep with one of her stuffed giraffes every night.

Sophie definitely loves her animals. Ask her what an elephant says and she raises her arm like a trunk and says "Eeeeeee!" But really, how could you resist a face like that!?

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