The Little Miss received a small pink bunny from her
Aunt, Uncle and cousins in Missouri for Easter. She opened the package a week before Easter and it was the first item she pulled from the box. She has NOT put the bunny down since then.

It's with her at every nap time. It's the first stuffy she goes for when picking out her Ni-Night friends (she's allowed two stuffed animals every night for bed). And, most days, it's in her hands or close-by as she plays.

We've started a new tradition every night where Daddy hides the bunny in her room and she has to find it before bed. She has a look of concentration on her face and the minute she spots any or all of the bunny her face lights up with a huge smile as she giggles in glee.

Now here's where YOU come in. I'm holding a contest to
Name the Bunny. The person who posts* the bunny name we choose gets a prize! You'll get your very own copy of The Velveteen Rabbit and plush rabbit.

Contest will run through the weekend and winner will be announced on Monday, April 19.
*Please note comments are moderated so if you don't see your comment right away, it will appear soon!
That fluffy pink bunny body reminds me of a marshmallow - like one of those delicious candy covered peep Easter bunnies and chicks. How about the name Peep!?
hi, i just found your blog while i was eating lunch at work...i have never clicked the "next" button at the top of my blog...i finally did and a few blogs down here you are! our stories seem kind of similar (i'm a fellow mama-after-infertility, with a little dose of babyloss thrown in for good measure) so i can't wait to read more about your adventures with your daughter.
Welcome, Reba.
I'm sorry to hear of your struggles as well. Infertility is the tie that bonds too many of us!
Thanks for stopping in and I hope you'll keep reading!
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