Update #1: Bye-bye bottles!!!
We've officially gone two weeks with NO bottles! Once life seemed to get back to normal, we made the switch again at sleep times - this time going cold turkey. Not a single tear was shed. No fighting. No issues whatsoever! I believe she was just completely ready this time so everything went smoothly. It felt SO good to pack away all those bottles and supplies. Next up: Pacifiers ONLY for sleep times.
Update #2: Weightloss.
I've started the exercise routine my RE had me on in 2007-2008 to get pregnant. This includes an hour of cardio a day, 200 crunches on a yoga/exercise ball and weights 3-5 days a week. Now, I'm no where near the 1-hour a day cardio (I'm currently at 30-40 minutes), starting out with 50 crunches a day and have done just 1 day of weights so far. To say I'm sore is an understatement but I NEEDED to get back to this exercise. I'm going to give myself a few weeks of exercise and healthier eating choices before I step on a scale again. It's not that I want to ignore any progress, I just know the results are going to be much slower than before. Previously, I was cutting out ALL refined carbs and taking medications that affected my appetite. I don't have that this time around so I know the results will be slow to show.
Update #3: Pockets.
Sophie discovered pockets this week. For the first time ever, she started putting things in her pockets. We were outside playing, she was carrying a piece of sidewalk chalk in one hand and wanted to pick up a ball. She looks down, pulls out her pocket and slides the chalk right in. I had to laugh at how pleased she was with herself. Now I'm going to have to check all her pockets for her treasures, I'm sure!
Update #4: We're raising a petite little peanut.
I sorted through The Peanut's drawers and closet only to discover I had to go clothes shopping. She has the tiniest waist so most two-piece outfits won't fit. The tops are fine but the bottoms slip right off. The credit card got a good workout today as I had to find her some clothes to wear! And why, WHY can't clothes manufacturers make ALL clothes to the same measurements so I don't have to THINK when I try to shop these various stores. This doesn't just apply to shopping for kids' clothes - it goes for adults, too! Family members are always asking what size she's in and I have to say "It depends on the store" and go through the whole spiel. If I knew the sizes would be close I would just say "She's in 18 month clothes" but they're NOT.
Update #5: Separation Anxiety.
We're still working on this. The Little Miss is okay if one of us leaves the house for a while but she's still not okay if we BOTH leave her. This has been frustrating to say the least but we don't want to push too hard and end up back to where we were in February after Y's surgery.
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