Once again, it's been a month since my last post. I never even got caught up with the promised posts from two months ago. Sheesh!
Early September, Sophie and I both ended up sick. She began running a low-grade fever on a Thursday. The fever was still there on a Friday but she was acting okay. Saturday, the fever continued and by afternoon she was beginning to not act right. By the time Sunday rolled around and she STILL had a low-grade fever, I called our pediatrician. The office recommended taking her to the Pediatric ER since the nearest Urgent Care was closed. So off to the ER we go and boy was THAT a frustrating experience. We never saw an actual Dr, only nurses and a Physician Assistant. The PA had a HORRIBLE rapport and Sophie was not thrilled to be having him poke her. He couldn't figure out what was wrong (her ears were fine but she had a reddened throat). His recommendation? Take her to her pediatrician on Monday. Thanks buddy.
Anyway, we took her in on Monday where she was still running a fever and even more not herself. She was beginning to show signs of blisters in her throat and it was determined she had the Coxsackie Virus. The same virus that causes Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease but she never had the blisters on her feet and hands, just in her throat. (Good news, Mom and Dad, no need to worry about it spreading since you can only get this once in your life!) Since it was viral, there was nothing we could give her other than Tylenol and Ibuprofen. The week went on and she just kept getting worse, to the point she wouldn't eat or drink and if she did try she'd scream. A full week from when the fever started, on Thursday, she had thrown up twice in a span of a few hours so back to the Pediatrician. Everything else was still okay with her but she was now running a high fever and the blisters had gotten larger and more numerous in her throat. She was a miserable, miserable baby. She got some Tylenol with Codeine to not only relieve the pain of the blisters but hopefully numb things enough to keep her hydrated - this was now our biggest concern. Her fever was so high (hovering between 104-104.5) that if it didn't go down or she didn't keep drinking we'd end up in the hospital with her. That night she slept in my arms all night - when she was sleeping, that is. She was in so much pain she'd whimper and cry. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning her fever FINALLY broke. That Friday and Saturday she kept improving.

Then came Sunday. I was rocking Sophie for her nap when I was suddenly hit with the worst body aches and chills I'd ever experienced. I took my temp and sure enough...I was running about a 102 fever. Figuring I either had what Sophie had, or had the flu, I loaded up on pain killers and tried to sleep things off. Sunday night I was MISERABLE. I was in so much pain all night I was the one now crying/whimpering in my sleep. I made an appointment with my Dr. She was not thrilled I came in thinking I was spreading the flu around but I needed to know if I had what Sophie had and if not, then I needed to know if it was the dreaded H1N1 so I could stay away from Sophie as much as possible. Turns out I also had the Coxsackie Virus. Apparently I never had it as a child (thanks, Mom, for letting me know AFTER the fact). My high fever lasted for about 3 days, the worst reaching just above 105. I felt so bad for Y. I literally didn't have the strength to get out of bed nor lift my own child. Sophie couldn't figure out why Mommy wasn't holding her and Y was trying to be Mom and Dad both. (Single parents...we don't know how you do it!).
Anyway, if you sat through all of that, the point is we were sick. Then it took me a good 2 weeks to really feel like I had my energy back. Then it was deadlines which I got behind on with back-to-back sickies of Sophie then me. And now? Well, more deadlines. Don't get my wrong, I'm thrilled to be employed but there are days working from home and taking care of my child at the same time is impossible. Something has to give and it's usually house work and in some cases, my deadlines. Work-at-home parents...how do you do it all?????

I have two quick deadlines coming up the next two weeks then I hope to devote some time to posting more. And actually be interesting! I feel so dull! In the meantime enjoy the few pictures and thanks for reading my drivel!
1 comment:
she is sooo adorable and sooo big!!! glad that you are all feeling better!!!
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