Why you may ask?
Let me show you:

It doesn't look that bad you say? Let's get a closer look:

Admittedly, it's not THAT bad. There's been worse (think ketchup). But, after every meal, the Peanut and I have to make a visit to the bathroom. We first wash her hands, then her face and then her hair. Because after EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. her hair is crusty and filled with food. It used to be just the hair by her ears but now? Now she takes to rubbing her entire head with food-covered hands.
The Little Miss is quite stubborn and determined. (I have NO idea who she got that from). She no longer wishes for us to feed her. If she were talking more I can just hear her saying "No! I do it my own self!" So the perils of a self-feeding child is bath-time or pseudo bath-time three times a day.
And now we can no longer wonder why Momma needs a new wardrobe!
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