March 24, 2008 was one of the best days of my life. At the time I was on cloud 9. Sure, we had some rough patches but I truly enjoyed being pregnant. It was completely nerve wracking with some of the issues we had but I felt a real calm and peace while Little Miss S was growing inside me. I don't think I realized it at the time but my moods were pretty even keel, I never really had some of those crazy hormone times. I was truly happy, not terribly moody and didn't seem to stress out over little things.
I often joke with Y that I want to be pregnant again (and I do just not right now) because I was never really bitchy. Now? Well those PMS moods and bitchiness make an appearance every month.
In other news, we're back from visiting family and friends. It was a great trip and Sophie was a superstar on all four plane rides. We had a near meltdown on the last leg of the trip due to some delays but we made it through. She melted hearts left and right!
I'll have lots of pictures to post and stories to tell but for now I have to catch up with work and all those mundane household chores!
Oh, okay. One picture to tide you over. This was taken just a few days before our trip:

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