Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let's Go Fly a Kite....

This past Thursday, The Little Miss was enjoying an episode of Sesame Street on Sprout while I was trying to get a grip on the migraine that was getting increasingly worse. As part of the episode, a little boy was flying a kite. The Little Miss was mesmerized. She asked me "That?" (this is her way of saying "What's that?"). I explained it was a kite and the wind makes it fly high in the air. She smiled, still mesmerized by the kite flying. When the kite segment was over, she looked at me and said "Have kite?" I laughed, telling her we'd have to buy one at the store figuring she'd forget about it and move on to something else.

Wrong. All she talked about for three days was "Tite." "Have tite?" "Tite up, up!"

Saturday we ran some errands and ended up at "The Big Red Ball" store (Target). The Little Miss insisted on "walk, walking" through the whole store and the entire time all I heard was "tite?".  She was on a mission and so excited once we found her kite!

Her Yeye came to visit today and it was a perfect time (ie: not too windy) to try out the kite. She'd cheer and applaud when the kite finally made it in the air but cracked up laughing every time it would come crashing down.

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