Thursday, April 30, 2009

4 and 5 month updates!

So I'm a bit usual!

4-month stats as of 3/26:
Weight: 12lbs 5oz
Length: 24.5in
Head: 39cm

We've determined our home scale is a couple of pounds heavy and our previous "guesstimations" at her weight were totally off!

We had to return to the pediatrician on 4/6 for some more constipation issues. Sophie began to have problems in Missouri but we weren't sure of the cause since she had been normal for a couple of months prior to our visit. On 4/5 she had a really hard BM with a bit of blood in her stool. I figured it was likely a tear but wanted some reassurance. I phoned the pedi's office and spoke with the on-call nurse. We discussed all possible scenarios and determined it was most likely a tear but we should bring Miss S in on Monday. As confirmed, it was a tear. Since she was already on cereal and doing well, the pediatrician suggested starting her on high-fiber fruits and vegetables, adding a bottle of half-strength juice, and using some suppositories to clear her out. This seemed to help a bit after the first week but then she was back to hard BMs and unable to go without the aid of a suppository. Fun! Back to the pediatrician AGAIN! Now we're trying Miralax (stool softener) to keep things soft so her rectal muscles have a chance to return to normal. As of now, they're stretched out causing things to build up since she can't push things out as normal.

5 month weight as of 4/29: 13lbs, 15oz.

In her Easter best.
Easter ended up being quite cool so her cute sleeveless number had to be swapped with this outfit.

Milestones and accomplishments from the past two months:
-first audible laugh on March 13th. Grandma was tickling her neck.
-rolls over from back to tummy (and back again). The girl is QUICK!
-scoots when she's on her tummy
-can move objects from hand to hand
-will pick up and maneuver the pacifier to her mouth
-she now laughs in anticipation of being tickled
-she's discovered the dogs. Cutest darn thing EVER! She giggles at them and stares in fascination. (Pictures coming soon!)
-she grabs her feet
-she can sit, unassisted, for 1-2 minutes before falling over
-shes loves, loves, LOVES her food. Since we're avoiding constipating foods she's had: peas, green beans, squash, pears, peaches, and prunes. She seems to love green beans and pears the most but gets excited with all of them.
Yummy! Peas!

She's also learned to drink from a straw and try to grab the food from my fork. Last week, I'd stopped for a milkshake on the way home from running errands. I sat down at home with Little Miss S on my lap. As I took a sip of my milkshake she pulled the drink toward her. She was playing with the straw but I didn't think much of it at the time. Next thing I know, she has the straw in her mouth sucking away!! The little goober ended up drinking some of my milkshake. She was very proud of herself, bearing a giant grin, when I pulled the straw away.

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