Sophie had her 2-month check-up where everything was great. Below are her stats from 1/26:
Weight: 9lbs 10oz
Length: 22.3 inches
Head Circumference: 37.4cm
She had her first round of vaccinations at the appointment. Aside from some screaming during the shots themselves, she was a

Y and I finally had an evening out to ourselves the first of the month. Y's parents watched Miss S for a couple of hours while we enjoyed dinner. She did pretty well with them and believe it or not, I wasn't too worried. No phone calls to confirm all was okay.
We recently weighed Miss S and she's now up to 11.5lbs! Since the last post, she now has her BMs under control. The Prevacid has helped all around and we no longer have to get things moving with Karo syrup. Yay for progress!
In milestones, Sophie can now roll from tummy to back frequently. She's putting everything from her hands, her sleeves, her toys, Mommy's clothes and hands in her mouth. Sophie is now also sleeping through the night! She had been doing really well and waking only once at night, usually around 3am for a feeding. Last week she began sleeping until 6am! She's had a couple of nights where she's slept until 7 and 8am! Talk about heaven for Mommy and Daddy! While she's still trying hard to roll from back to tummy, she can now twist and squirm in such a way that she'll turn herself sideways in the crib with her feet against the side rails.

I bet you didn't know life was this exciting at 2-months old!
Probably one of the biggest developments of all is she's wanting to sit up ALL. THE. TIME. I was playing with her in bed one morning and had her partially propped up on my pillow. Next thing I know, she's using her stomach muscles and pulling herself into a sitting position! She is by no means steady at all but she much prefers sitting up to lying down. We pulled out her Bumbo seat and she LOVES sitting in her seat and watching the world.
We had a great Valentine's Day with our little love bug. She was VERY spoiled by friends and family. We had a pretty relaxed day at home and just enjoyed being together as a family. I can vividly remember last year's Valentine's Day. Y went all out, making a special dinner
Coming this Sunday, Little Miss S will be 3 MONTHS old! Seriously, where did my tiny little baby go?! Why is time moving so quickly?! She'll have her first big trip in March when we head to visit my family in Missouri. Everyone there is VERY anxious to see her.
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