Weight: ~12.5 lbs
Length: 24.3 inches
Sophie got to meet her Great Gram on Sunday. Great Gram is 97 years old and in failing health. Miss S did well for about 10 minutes then began to have a meltdown as we were trying to get pictures with Great Gram. Isn't that the way things always go???

She's continued to sleep through the night and is now in a fairly regular schedule. She'll go to sleep, for the night, between 9 and 10pm and sleep until 8am!
Sitting up is now one of her favorite activities. She enjoys spending time in her Bumbo seat as well as her new high chair. While she's not eating solids yet, she enjoys being at the table with Mom & Dad and playing with her toys while we eat. We purchased the Fisher Price S
We're preparing for our first big plane trip in a couple of weeks. Her Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and many, many family friends are VERY anxious to meet little Miss S. I, on the other hand, am already wondering if I'm going to need a few valiums to not spaz out while packing and getting to the airport. I have no doubt we'll be fine once we're on the plane...it's just everything leading up to it. Moms out there: any suggestions on what is absolutely necessary or an item you couldn't have done without on your trip?
Have a great week!
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