Thursday, October 7, 2010

Paranoid Much?

No. Not me. NO way.


The Little Miss is sick. Nearing a week now. She's caught a cold. The first full day of sickness she ran a really low-grade fever, had some vomiting and a cough but is mostly just MAJORLY congested. I've wiped a snotty nose more times than I can count and my hands are raw from all the hand washing and hand-sanitizer using. I got little sleep the first few nights as she struggled sleeping with all the congestion. The next couple of nights saw some better sleep but we were still being woken after a few hours with her getting choked and coughing.

Last night rolls around. She'd had a bit better day. Her nose wasn't running as much but she's very gurgle-y (parents with sick kids, you know what I mean). She crashed pretty quickly after taking a really late afternoon nap. I jolt awake about 4:45AM. I first check the bed - nope, she's not in bed with us. I then check the video monitor. She's in her bed, face down. I think to myself "I'm sure she's fine." Then I begin to have the starts of a panic attack remembering just how congested she's been. I slip out of bed, tip-toe into her room, lay my hand on her back, and breathe a sigh of relief that she's breathing.

Around 5am she starts coughing and can't stop so I rescue her from her bed and bring her in to sleep, elevated, on me until her coughing slows. I told Y that I'd checked on her at 4:45 to make sure she was breathing. His response? "I did the same thing at 3am."

Nope. We're not paranoid AT ALL!

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