Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daddy's Girl

I'll admit it.

I'm a Daddy's Girl and today, on what would have been his 89th birthday, I miss him.

I miss his hugs. I miss his smile. I miss his laugh.

Recently as I was cleaning and trying to purge our home of the extra stuff, I came across a video of the last Army Reunion my father was able to attend. A video of a local news report where my Dad was one of a few that was interviewed. The reunion took them back to Jefferson Barracks where he and his squadron were stationed before heading off to WWII.  Taking a deep breath, I slid the tape in our lone VHS player. And there. There on the screen was my sweet, sweet Dad. Happy. Nostalgic. The Dad I love and adore. The man I miss. And tears flowed.

Everyday I picture you
Everyday I remember you

You taught me all you could in your far too short time with me
And now my only job is to remember and never forget
To pass those memories on so you will forever live in our hearts

I love you, Dad.

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