Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The Little Miss went as Tigger this year. She was SO excited to put on the costume. She'd giggle and bounce, bounce, bounce just like Tigger.

We had to lose the hoodie portion on the walk back!

This year's festivities were subdued. She has no real clue as to what everything meant. She can't have candy (and I don't NEED it) so we just hit a few places. We stopped at her grandparent's** house, a family friend's house and our friend Niki's home. She just soaked everything in and watched all the kids in costumes a little warily.

We hope everyone had a great Halloween and were able to stay safe!

**My father-in-law took most of the pictures (I think I took 3 all day!). As soon as I have them from him I'll share!

1 comment:

shotzie said...

Oh my goodness, Sophie makes an adorable Tigger. She is such a beauty!