I'm fighting for them!
Today is
Fight For Preemies day.
543,000 babies are born prematurely each year. As we prepare to celebrate Sophie's first birthday in a few days, I've been reflecting on all the struggles we went through in the first few weeks of Sophie's life. While she was born at 38 weeks her weight was small at 5lbs 10oz - even less once we were home. I recall the stress I felt as I struggled to breastfeed, pleading my milk to come in because my baby girl was losing precious ounces. We were given preemie hats in the hospital because her head was so small. The Newborn clothes we had brought with us swam on her so down to Preemie sizes we went. All the while I questioned what I did wrong during the pregnancy to have a baby so small, struggling to gain weight. All of this pales to the stresses and struggles parents of premature babies feel.
While I, personally, don't have a preemie, my life has been touched by several preemies through the years. Most recently, I posted about two
premature boys. I am SO happy to report they are both thriving. Baby C is currently getting his first tooth and Baby E recently enjoyed his first roadtrip with his parents. Baby C was in the NICU much longer than Baby E but both struggled and without all the technologies available today, it's possible these boys could not be as healthy as they are today.
Join in the fight. Become aware. Visit the
March of Dimes to learn how YOU can help.